
Why do I need separation crown?

The separation crown serves two primary functions, both of which are crucial for the optimal operation and structural integrity of telecommunication masts:

  1. Antenna Separation: One of the main reasons for using a separation crown is to appropriately separate antennas from each other according to the producer’s specifications. Antennas emit electromagnetic radiation, including backward radiation, which can lead to interference and a high noise floor if antennas are too closely spaced. By providing adequate separation between antennas, the separation crown helps mitigate interference and ensures optimal performance of each antenna. Even small separations can significantly reduce interference, as electromagnetic radiation force decreases with the square of the distance between antennas.
  2. Torsional Stiffness: Another important function of the separation crown is to increase the mast’s torsional stiffness, particularly when supplemented with an additional set of guy wires. Truss masts are inherently robust against vertical forces due to their truss structure and the presence of guy wires provides support against horizontal forces. However, truss masts may be relatively non-resistant to torsional forces, especially during high winds or service jobs. Torsional twisting can be particularly problematic for radiolinks, as it may interfere with or damage connections. The separation crown, along with additional guy wires, helps to enhance the mast’s resistance to torsional forces, improving overall stability and reducing the risk of damage or interference.